Monday, January 23, 2012

Hair's the Scoop

It was the week before Christmas. I was making a list of things to be done before the holiday, trying to make the house presentable, and figuring out how to feed a newborn a bazillion times and still keep to a normal schedule. I glanced over at the Beast and added another thing to my list - cut that boy's hair! He (and the Spud) were getting dangerously close to mullet territory, and while I may allow my children to run around sporting Spiderman costumes and gaudy tie-dyed T-shirts that don't match anything, I draw the line at redneck hair. :)

I dreaded actually completing that item on my list. The Beast is terrified of getting his hair cut, and every time I do it, I pray that the neighbors don't call CPS on us. He panics, screams hysterically, and I usually end up cutting it as fast as I can. (which has basically meant a buzz-cut every time). I promise his favorite TV show, ice cream, candy, a combination of all three - but it doesn't lessen his fear. (He has sensory issues related to his autism).

So. To recap, I had just had a baby, Christmas was on the horizon, the lower level of our house had flooded, and my kids were driving me crazy. (Oh, I didn't mention all that?) The impending haircuts were sure to add a lot of stress to that dynamic. Then dear Nerd suggested that we take all three kids to this hip little kid salon, Little Clippers, and pay whatever astronomical fees the kiddie stylists demanded. I was dubious as to whether some stranger would be able to handle the Beast and his haircut meltdowns, but hey, I was more than willing to let her try!

When we first walked into Little Clippers, we were greeted with an assortment of video game systems, motorized kiddie cars, play houses, and lots of toys. Our kids were immediately directed to a folder where they got to "sign out" the DVD they wanted to watch while their hair was being cut. Each of the offspring chose a fun vehicle to sit in, and they happily munched lollipops while staring at the TV. Well, all except the Beast, of course. However, he was not screaming or panicking - he was just very anxious and tense. The stylist assured me that she worked with kids like him all the time and would spend as much time as needed with him to get a good haircut. She was amazing - not only did she produce a nice layered haircut, but she also managed to convince the Beast to let her use scissors (something he would never let me do!) The Drama Queen also got to choose glitter and little clips for her new bob. It was such a stress-free experience that the Nerd happily shelled out the $16 per kid (I know, crazy right?!)

No, this is not an advertisement for Little Clippers - although if you have one in your area, as a mom friend, I would definitely recommend it. Nope, I was just thrilled to have someone else be able to work with my autistic boy and do so well at it.

That, and I was just a bit jealous that my salon didn't offer all those amenities. Maybe, if I were sitting in a sparkly pink car, eating my favorite candy and watching some reality TV, I wouldn't feel so awkward and obligated to make polite conversation with my stylist.

Just sayin'.


  1. Ha! Love the last sentence of your post! I feel the same way! I'm TERRIBLE at small talk!

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