Sunday, March 25, 2012

T is for Truck Drivers and Tutus

I was unsuccessfully trying to pull a dress over a squirmy baby's head Sunday morning when a very chipper Drama Queen twirled into my room, still in her pajamas but with a red tutu rakishly perched on top. She chattered away on random subjects, the kind the you half-listen to while attending to a million tasks . I finished packing the diaper bag just in time to hear her say "Hey, mom, even if I were a truck driver, I would still wear a tutu!"

Ha ha, kiddo. Yes you would. I'm not sure the world is ready yet for your amazing and colorful sense of style. I am a little concerned about your future career goals, but hey, we've got plenty of time for you to change your mind a billion times over.

Until then, wear your tutu, sweet baby girl.

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