Thursday, September 22, 2011

Twenty-Nine Weeks

(me and my current favorite ice cream flavor - Breyers Heath Bar Explosion)
The Baby: So Little Sprout is getting a bigger head now to make room for all those brains that run in the family. :) Her vegetable or fruit comparison of the week is a butternut squash, completely fitting for the season. I am supposed to be upping my intake of calcium to help baby's skeleton get stronger and harder. As you can see, I work hard on that every day with a big bowl of ice cream.

Me: I'm fine - just tired as usual and not inclined to do much of anything outside the realm of necessity. I have been happily eating my fair share of food these days, taking full advantage of the fact that I am pregnant and can eat whatever I want. Well, of course that's a myth but no one is going to argue with a preggo lady or try to take her food away. That would be extremely foolish.

The Siblings: I think the Spud is definitely getting more of a sense of what is happening. He is extra-snuggly and asks, "hold me like a baby, momma." It is certainly going to be a time of upheaval for him. I probably should try to wean him a little from this baby-like behavior, but selfish me eats it up and relishes it as much as possible because I know it won't be the same once Little Sprout arrives. The Beast has also made it quite clear that he does not appreciate having to sit next to Momma to read instead of on her lap due to my burgeoning belly.

The Plans: Nothing new this week. I am starting to realize how quickly December is coming and how busy the fall months will be for us; so a sense of urgency is beginning to develop. I still have to make a space for baby in our bedroom. I need to get our infant car seat back from a friend and have it ready to go. I have to fill out a lot of hospital paperwork. I need to figure out items I still need before baby arrives.

And just typing that list of things to do is exhausting. :) I would go take a nap, but three littles are not showing any signs of slowing down today. . .

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