Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Perfect Picture Attempt

Okay, so it's rarely "wordless" when it comes to me!  The other day I was attempting to get a good photo of all three kiddies to send to Grammy and Pop.  Of course, getting my darling angels to sit still and all look at the camera at the same time is a little complicated.  Getting smiles is pretty much a bonus!
Attempt One:  Okay, this would have been perfect if David remembered where the camera was and if Gabi was not in the process of lifting up her skirt. . . 
Attempt Two:  Not too bad, although my suddenly-girly-girl decides to fix her hair and David has a sudden attraction to his foot. . . 
Attempt Three:  Finally David looks at the camera! and well, the others are pretty much absorbed elsewhere. . . 
Attempt Four:  Gabi pulls a classic and closes her eyes in a most angelic position.  Michael is blocking the paparazzi, and David, well, he's still focused on that foot. . . 
Attempt Five:  Let's all look in different directions, shall we?  And David, I think we've had enough of the "grabbing foot" pose!
Attempt Six:  Oh, wow.  They are all actually looking in the right direction.  Good job dropping the foot, buddy.  This could be our picture. . . Oh let's just try one more time to see if we can get some smiles. . . 

Attempt Seven:  Success! (and aren't they just too adorable?  I can say that right now because they are currently not destroying anything or raising the decibel level of my house!)

Check out more "wordless" fun at 5 Minutes for Mom! (I guarantee you that some of those ladies' posts aren't wordless, either! :)

Oh, and in case you still haven't voted in the "Just Horsin' Around" contest at 5 Minutes for Mom, please go and vote for Gabi's picture, number 19, here!  She would love that you voted for her!


  1. that is why I've yet to get all my kids in a single picture!

  2. I can relate :) It's frustrating when you really want a picture..A nice one at that.

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Love it! I usually end up with a series of 100 pix before I get one that actually works. :)

  4. Aww, Jeannette! They're adorable! :-) I get so super frustrated when Jakeroo won't cooperate when I'm trying to get a good pic, but I sure do enjoy all the extra goofy takes later. :-)

  5. I haven't attempted one in a few weeks...I think you've inspired me to make it my project for the day. ;) Cute!

  6. Try to get 5 to do that, lol. Adorable kids.


  7. haha - the little guy is cracking me up

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    That is a really cute series!

  9. Wow!! It only took 7 tries?? I'm impressed!! :)

  10. haha...those pics are too cute! The last one is just adorable though! And it definitely takes me a LOT of tries to get a good picture with my 2 kids, never mind 3! ;)

  11. That last one is definitely a winner, although they are all cute in their own way!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog today. Guess I can ask you for advice on having three, huh? : )

  12. Geez, I know the feeling. We only have two but can't get a pic to save our lives. (I like the lastone too...by the way)

  13. LOL I can attest to the fact that it doesn't neccessarily get easier as they get older either. But when they're your kids ages, the pics are cute regardless of what they do in them:)

  14. hahaha!!! glad to see that i am not the only mommy that has to take a bizzillion different pictures just to get a few good ones :O) they are too cute. love both your blogs!


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