Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thirty-Four Weeks

(isn't it ridiculous how that maternity shirt doesn't even begin to cover my belly?!)
The Baby: The fruit/vegetable comparison for weight this week is a cantaloupe. Little Sprout is already head-down and moving around like crazy. When I was in the hospital on Tuesday morning, the entire time I was strapped to the monitors, the baby would not keep still. She was very annoyed at the weights resting on my belly and did everything in her power to dislodge them. Her heart rate was crazy high, with the highest being 198 beats a minutes. She was clearly very agitated.

Me: I am on modified bed rest, which is kind of crazy for a mommy of three. I am doing my best to refrain from much physical activity, but it is hard. I sit as much as possible while homeschooling the girlie, and I am blessed to have a hubby that is willing to do dishes, laundry, vacuuming, kids' baths, etc, in his evenings as well as some outside help (read: superwoman mother-in-law who cleans the house and entertains the kids and lets me rest). Basically any physical activity can trigger contractions, and we want this baby to stay inside me for at least a few more weeks.

The Siblings: The kiddies have been taking turns being my buddy while I rest. I'm not sure if they completely understand why Mommy has to rest so much. I am hoping these next few weeks go by quickly! Meanwhile, I am currently being served by the cutest little wait staff ever. :)

The Plans: After the little scare with all the contractions over the weekend, I made sure that all the hospital paperwork is in order and that the hospital bag was packed!


  1. Woah! I can't believe it is that close already! Hope you get a lot of rest!

  2. This was a loveely blog post


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