Thursday, March 25, 2010

Toy Story Fever

Yep, we are pretty excited! We have been talking about Toy Story 3 coming out in theaters for a long time now. It's been quite hilarious how the Beast goes around talking about Buzz Lightyear as if he knows him personally, when in truth the kid has never seen Toy Story or Toy Story 2.

We have quite a few friends that have the TS movies on video, but no one had them on DVD. We had to wait until Disney released them "from the vault" (ah, you clever marketing machine!) on Tuesday.

There was no backing out - we were going to buy these movies. On blu-ray, of course. I knew they would be watched many many times, making it worth the extra cost. But still? $30 each??

And then some very thrifty friends alerted me to a deal in which I could print out some $10 off coupons, one for each movie. Woo hoo! I headed off to Toys'R'Us to procure the greatly desired movies. I am not sure who was more excited, the kids or us!

Unfortunately Toys'R'Us was already out of stock when we arrived; next we went to Target. They had plenty of the movies with a great deal - $10 off if you purchased both movies on blu-ray, with the movies already marked down to $22.99 each. I ended up spending about $8 for each movie, but considering that each movie comes with a free theater ticket to Toy Story 3, the DVDs were practically free! Woot!

Next, we overheard someone talking about Free Ice Cream Day at Ben and Jerry's! Of course, we made a detour to the mall and enjoyed some delicious cones - chocolate for the kiddies and Coconut 7-Layer Bar for me. Yum!

Nerd Boy brought home some McDonald's for dinner, and we picnicked in the living room as we watched Toy Story with the kiddies for the first time. Grand memories for sure! (as we sat there marvelling that Toy Story had come out 15 years ago! what?! seriously?! wow!)
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  1. Great deals!!! And you can't beat free ice cream!

    We've had TS 1 & 2 for some time now and watch them regularly. And we, too, are excited about #3 coming out soon!

  2. Hey! I don't know if you follow this other blog or not, but she wants to feature some Etsy shop moms. Go check it out if you want!

  3. LOVE the Toy story movies!

  4. Darn I wish I would have told you Target price matches you just need to bring in the ad, I'm sorry!


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