Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend Madness

Okay, so if you read my previous post you would know that my hubby and I are currently in the throes of home domination - more specifically, cleaning and organizing our bedroom.  Basically here is an overview of our weekend of work:
    After dropping the kids off at Grandma's, I am pleased to say that we did not chicken out but got started immediately on "The Pit".  It was rather overwhelming at first - where do you start? - but we finally got our groove on.  We endured until 3:00 am and then slept in the living room for a few hours.  Saturday we tackled the project again and were mostly at it all day.  The accomplishments? - Well, we now have a completely organized and startlingly clean walk-in closet.  Other areas got the organization treatment as well.  I (finally!) hemmed the curtains to the proper length and we put up shelves.  Massive numbers of boxes were packed for Goodwill and loads of laundry were finished.  A trip to IKEA helped us purchase some very important organizational items as well.  All in all, we are pleased with our progress so far.  I am not posting any pics yet because it is not finished.  We still have some stacks and piles to go through and put away, the desk to organize, and some decor to put up.  So I pat myself on the back and hope to show you the stunning results in the near future!
    I have much more to post about but much more housework to accomplish, so I'll save some of that for later.  Happy Monday, all!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Glad you are getting your bedroom exciting!


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