Thursday, January 03, 2013

On Ambition

Is it too late to write a post about my New Year's resolutions?
Nah.  Taking a quick look over my blog will show you that I'm pretty much late at blogging everything.
I mean, the Truth in the Tinsel series is still dangling out there.
The Theme Thursdays are woefully behind.
I didn't share anything about our Christmas. 
Hmm.  Perhaps I need to have another resolution added to the list...
Anyway, here's the list.  Some of them are more like reminders to myself, and of course I well know the dangers of setting myself up with too much to accomplish and not nearly enough time to get it done.  Nevertheless, it's something at least at which to aim.
1.  I would like to spend more time with each child individually.  Each one of my offspring are amazing and unique creatures (oh boy are they unique!), and I don't want to miss out on that one-on-one time with them.
2.  Naturally, I want to spend some more time with the Nerd also.  This would not include playing Star Wars on the computer or watching a bland TV show while playing games on our cell phones. (in case he reads this)  I want to set aside specific time every week that we invest in each other.  Hopefully, at least once this year, I will also make plans for us to get away together, just the two of us.
3.  Additionally, the plan is for me to stay more connected with the family that is scattered everywhere.  And I mean, everywhere!  Dear siblings in Florida and Pennsylvania and Ohio and Canada and Indiana, I want to invest in my relationships with each of you.  And all my wonderful nieces and nephews too. 
1.  I dream of coming up with a doable, healthy meal plan and actually doing it consistently every month.  I've got a head start on January by having a day planned to cook several freezer meals.
2.  I need to figure out a new housecleaning schedule and chore system for the kids and stick to it.  The old one isn't working anymore.  I will gladly accept any and all ideas in this regard.
3.  I want to change up our homeschooling schedule and breathe a little "new life" in it, if you will.  I want to fully embrace this path we have chosen as a family and take advantage of every learning opportunity we encounter this year.
1.  I desire to discover the Bible in a new way this year.  I've already started with the She Reads Truth program and am absorbing it all.
2.  I need to make some new friends this year!  This is an area in which I am sadly lacking, although I have a few close and therefore super-awesome friends.  I want to be intentional and purposeful about meeting people and building relationships with them.
3.  Since my life is not busy enough, I want to find a hobby or some outside activity to devote time to every week.  It might be a cooking class, a book club, a sport, or anything-just-to-get-me-out-of-the-house-and-be-social-and-away-from-my-kids.  This has not yet been decided.
4.  I have become extremely lazy in the areas of food and fitness in the past few months.  No longer!  I am back on track in both areas and resolve to continue in them throughout the year.  I am using Mark Lauren's book Body by You for my fitness program.  As for nutrition, I am keeping a food journal in which I record calorie intake as well as how much protein, carbs, fiber, and fat I am consuming to help keep it all balanced.  My sweet mother-in-law is helping keep me accountable to this journal.
1.  I am seriously considering furthering my education.  I have my bachelor's degree in elementary education, but I would like to either get my masters in education or perhaps in special education.  The Nerd and I are discussing ways we can make this happen.
2.  Obviously, some sort of resolution needs to be made about this blog.  I need to stop committing myself to things like Theme Thursdays that consume a lot of time and try to write posts more organically.  In particular, I would like to focus more on this new faith journey I am on as well as our dealings with autism.  We will see how it goes!
I am hoping to be "stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord" as I seek to carry these resolutions out this year. (I Corinthians 15:58)
Happy 2013!


  1. It is never too late to make goals! I am right there with you on the "making new friends" thing. I am starting to understand the value of friendship more and more as I get older :)


    1. So true! Friendships matter more as we age, and I am starting to realize that some of the friendships I had weren't really friendships at all.

  2. We float in such similar boats... I feel like we "get" each other, after all these post-college years! ; )


    1. Absolutely!!! I hope that some day we will be able to get our little families together for a good visit. God has taken us on parallel paths, it seems.


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