Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Snapshots

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration at my in-laws' yesterday.  Our Thanksgiving is traditionally very casual - with almost everyone staying in their pj's all day!  Here are a few photos that pretty much tell the story of our day:
I'll start with the two cuties on the kitchen counter.  These little critters got up early to help Grandma make breakfast.  They are sporting brand-new pajamas, a Thanksgiving tradition at our house.  Then you can see that the aforementioned cuties did not allow Grandpa to sleep in.  The next picture is me, reading to the Davester to distract him from being in the kitchen.
Now comes Gabi's favorite part of Thanksgiving- arts and crafts time.  She always gets a new craft kit to entertain her on Thanksgiving.  This happened to be a Playdough "magic ice cream" set.  I'm pretty sure that I had more fun with it than she did, although she played with it for three hours straight!  In the center photo, you can see Michael enjoying another Foster tradition, watching football!  We are all big football fans around here.  Then of course I had to test out my pumpkin pie.  I will not tell you what number piece that was!

Finally, I managed to get a great shot of Grandpa playing the Wii.  A video would probably have been even funnier.  And I had to get a shot of Chris carving the all-important turkey.

So that's pretty much a typical Foster thanksgiving.  I had no photos of the actual feast, because we were all too busy eating.  One other tradition I also failed to get a shot of was Grandpa doing the dishes.  Girls cook, guys clean up.  

Hope all y'all  had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.  We have a busy day ahead (well, already went out and braved the crowds at 4:30 am for some shopping deals!) and plan to start Christmas decorating today.  Gabi and I also have some Pilgrim hat cookies to make for Thanksgiving celebration #2 at the great-grandparents at the coast tomorrow.

(need coffee)


  1. Looks like a fun day. Your kids are so cute! I went shopping today and Im incredibly tired. Im going to hit the hay. Yawn

    Hey, could you post your pics a larger size so we can see them better? Im an old lady and poor of eyesight ya know. :)

  2. Mrs.D is ALWAYS complaining about the size of pics..;)


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